July Twenty Second, Two Thousand Seventeen
I’m pulling us out of the past, and fast-forwarding on out of 2015/2016. We’ve spent a fair bit of time there, and I’ve enlisted tens of...

July Fifth, Two Thousand Sixteen
Scene: It's June 25, Gill and I are sitting on the couch. The TV had recently died, so the wall-mount arm hovers ominously and uselessly...

May Twenty Third Two Thousand Sixteen
And now everyone has two teeth! That was quick. The order for Tooth 2: The Toothening was Sadie and Ellie, and then Martha two days...

April Twenty Fourth Two Thousand Fifteen
Sadie's first tooth came in April 10! Then Martha's on April 20! And then Ellie's, like, just this very moment. How is it possible that...

March Twentieth, Two Thousand Sixteen
Apologies, all, for the lack of entries the last few weeks. The reasons are twofold. 1) It's about at this time in the chronicling that...

January Thirty First, Two Thousand Sixteen
My last day of parental leave. The last day of three and a half months of full-time, professional dad-hood. Lessons learned: Being at...

We're taking the week off - see you in February!

January Twenty First, Two Thousand Sixteen
2AM. After Gill put Oz down for bed, we heard crying from his room at around 9:30PM. He’s been doing that a bit lately, so we weren’t...

January Second, Two Thousand Sixteen
A new year. Goodnight, 2015. You insane year, you. Eleanor is sitting next to me in her bouncer, I’m giving her a gentle bounce with my...

December Twentieth, Two Thousand Fifteen
The girls are getting into their circadian rhythms, I’m sure of it. They're going sometimes two and half hours between feeds during the...